What Time Is It?
Big Fat Funky Booty
Cleopatra’s Cat
Refrigerator Car
Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong
Freeway Of The Plains >
Lady Kerosene
Yo Mama’s A Pajama
Off My Line
Two Princes
Refrigerator Car
Off My Line
Spanish Castle Magic (Jimi Hendrix)
– opening for Sugar Ray
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Seeing the Spin Doctors at MIT was an odd experience. It was my second Spins show (the first being at the Ben and Jerry Festival) and once again, there were very few full fledged Spins fans at the show.
I got my passes and headed into the show. I was a little worried about the sound, seeing as how it was basically in a gymnasium, and we were right up front. But as the lights went down and I heard the opening chords to What Time Is It, I knew it would be a great show. And it was.
Someone mentioned a little while back that Chris´ vocals seemed a little weak at the reunion show compared to some of the shows in the early 90s. Well, that was not the case at this show. Chris was just as he had always been. He´s one hell of an entertainer, and had me laughing out loud at several occasions. His voice has seemingly improved. He no longer mumbles and always seemed to be perfectly on pitch.
Aaron seems to be playing out a little more. One of the highlights of the show for me was the intro to Refrigerator Car, where he had kind of a mini-solo. It was very cool, a little out there at times, but funky nonetheless.
And then there´s Mark. Mark was, is, and always will be an amazing musician. He had a very cool bass solo during Car, and that incredible Freeway of the Plains intro was played as well.
And Eric. Oh, how we missed you. Listen to some old shows with Eric. Multiply the talent level by 10 and you get how he is now. He´s obviously logged some time into these songs. He´s just a great improviser, and his voice has gotten better as well.
All these guys are just great musicians that sound pretty good split up but combine to sound amazing all together. They seemed to be having a great time — especially Chris, but I saw Eric crack a smile once or twice, and I know Mark and Aaron were having a good time. I *really* hope they do something like this again, maybe some new tunes? It seemed crazy to say something like that months ago, but it´s becoming more and more of a reality. -Sinko
(review provided by Sinko)