Spin Doctors Songs
Last update: 2025-02-12
All our songs are somewhere else being played for us… Welcome to our list of all (known) songs Spin Doctors have ever played, written, recorded and/or performed – split in original songs and cover songs. The song titles are followed by the first date they were played live by Spin Doctors, followed by the original artist in parentheses in the case of the cover songs.
- [date in brackets] indicates the first known version of the song (= the first version on tape, the first found in the setlist file, etc.) In some cases (especially in the early days) the song may have been played before this date.
- ^ indicates that the song may not be a Spin Doctors original, although it is believed to be. Most of these were songs played during the fall ’94 tour when the band was writing a lot of new songs, many of which were later abandoned, and also doing a lot of new covers, so it was difficult to figure out which category these songs belong in. Most of these songs were played once or rarely and only during fall ’94.
- # indicates that this song was played only once and was most likely a song just made up on the spot.
- Bold song titles indicate that the song was released officially on a studio or live album or an early demo / independently released tape.
- Italic song titles indicate that it is known that the song exists (e.g. as a demo or unreleased studio recording) but was never finished or performed live.
- Hyperlinked song titles lead to the song’s lyrics. Lyrics from offcially released songs used by permission from the band’s mgmt, lyrics from unreleased songs transcribed from live recordings by fans. Please note: Song lyrics are a new feature, more lyrics will be added gradually.
Just go ahead now and explore
- Original SD songs: songs that were written by or for Spin Doctors
- Cover Songs: songs from other artists the band played at live shows or recorded in the studio.