Hey everyone!
It’s been a while since the last update (exept for setlists). But I am happy to finally present you the completely redesigned Spin Doctors Archive! It includes all the information, downloads and setlists from the previous version but in a more contemporary layout. Some sections aren’t as up-to-date as I want them to, – I crave your indulgence and hope you’ll check back often for updates.
In the last couple of years, our Facebook page was the main source for Spins updates. So if you look for news from 2014 to 2021, please go there and scroll your way back through the band’s history. The Facebook page will be maintained in the futere – as well as the newly set up Instagram and Twitter accounts.
With a new Spins album on the horizon and lots of touring in 2022, let’s hope that there will be lots of news and stuff to share in the future.
Thanks for your support – enjoy the new website!